Hey Tech Guy. Yeah you with the Woot shirt.

Hey Tech Guys. I’m the fashion resource you didn’t know you wanted.

If you work in the technology industry (I will be referring to you as a “tech guy”), then you most likely aren’t concerned with fashion. I get it. You are busy. You don’t have to look nice. You just don’t care…or do you? Maybe you just don’t have a clue.

Why should you care? Fashion is an unavoidable form a self expression. You are wearing clothes. Your clothes say something about you. There is nothing wrong in having pride in what you wear. Most likely it isn’t something you want or have time to think about. That’s where I come in. I’m going to help you feel better by looking better.

Let me break it down. User interface. Sure you can make a site that does amazing things but if it looks terrible chances are people are less likely to use it. Would you want to create something that looks like crap? Ok then why would you want to represent yourself that way?

Well I’m here to give you style tips that fit your lifestyle. Also I’ll be featuring tech guys that are looking good and also giving makeovers to those desperately in need. Feel free to send me questions and I’ll answer them in the blog. Gentleman, your style go-to resource has come!

Side Note: My clothing line isn’t out yet. This is just a resource for now.


Margaux Avedisian

1 Response to Hey Tech Guy. Yeah you with the Woot shirt.

  1. a says:


    You should make a line for girls too 🙂

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